Pierpaolo Giudice is a new Avimecc Volley Modica setter in the next A3 volleyball championship.

The class of 2001, 190 centimeters tall, will support Pedro Putini in the “direction” of the game of coach Enzo Di Stefano’s sextet.

For Giudice, the season that will start soon will be the “first time” in the A3 series championship, therefore the important possibility to shine in a “thick” championship such as that of the Third National Series.

Pierpaolo Giudice, in fact, in his short volleyball career has always played between Serie C and Serie B with the shirts of Gabbiano Pozzallo and Aquila Bronte. Now, finally the leap in quality in volleyball that counts with the hope that his professional career with the white and blue shirt will be the springboard for him.

“I’m very enthusiastic about this new experience that I’m going to face with the Avimecc Volley Modica shirt – declares Pierpaolo Giudice – because it will be a very important experience for my expectations and for my ambitions, so I hope to grow above all at technical, tactical and physical because I’m lucky enough to have been included in a mature group of people who have been playing at high levels for years. For me, therefore, it is a great honor to be one of them. We’re a very young team – he continues – but I’m sure we all want to get a lot of satisfaction and we’ll all help each other to achieve the goals set by the management. So we’ll try to do everything to play a “thick” championship trying to keep ourselves in the top areas of the standings. The fact of being the only Sicilian formation at the starting line of the A3 series championship – concludes Pierpaolo Giudice – will be a source of pride for us and at the same time one more reason to always give our best and an extra spur to work with constancy”.