The youth formations of Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza were received this morning in the Sala del Consiglio of the Municipality of Piacenza by the Assessor of the Sport wing Mario Dadati who wanted to congratulate the young athletes and the various coaches for the brilliant results obtained during the season.

The meeting was attended by Hristo Zlatanov General Manager of Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza, the Under 15 Italian Vice Champion of the category at the recent National Finals played in Prato as well as a large representation of the Under 12, Under 13, Under 17 and Under 19 accompanied by managers and coaches. Spiker Manuel Zlatanov will be absent because he is busy in Poland with the Under 17 national team.

The Councilor for Sport Mario Dadati presented the young Red and Whites with a parchment, written and signed by Mayor Katia Tarasconi: “The City of Piacenza at Gas Sales Bluenergy Volleyball for the passion and enthusiasm in cultivating young talents by delivering increasingly important goals , which value team spirit and the educational principles of sport. Because the champions of tomorrow are built with daily commitment”.

Mario Dadati (Councillor for Sport of Piacenza): “I am particularly happy to be able to congratulate a club that is making a truly important journey also with the youth sector and above all with the many young people I see in the gym who are always smiling and happy to play sports. It must be recognized that the President Elisabetta Curti is committing important economic resources also in the youth sector and this is by no means a foregone conclusion. Congratulations again to the club, the technicians and the coaches”.

Hristo Zlatanov (General Manager Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza): “We have been working in a certain way on the youth sector for just over two years and I must say that the steps taken have been many. Reaching three National Finals in one season with three teams is no small feat, it’s an honor to be here today and it must be for these guys as well”.