Everything is ready at PalabancaSport for the first joint training session of the new season. Tomorrow, Friday 15 September (warm-up starts at 5pm) Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza will find themselves at the net with Consoli Sferc Brescia, a team participating in the A2 championship. Coach Andrea Anastasi will try some game situations with the athletes who are working in these first three weeks of athletic preparation.

The seven athletes of the first team (Robertlandy Simon, Fabrizio Gironi, Francesco Recine, Edoardo Caneschi, Nicolò Hoffer, Bruno Dias and Fabio Ricci) have recently been joined by some youth players who will participate in joint training with Brescia tomorrow: the spikers Manuel Zlatanov (born 2008), Leonardo Alessi (2007), Andrea Emiliani (2006), the center back Daniel Imokhai (2005), the opposite player Leonardo Rocca (2005), the setter Tommaso Artioli (2006) and the libero Lorenzo Zanellotti (2006 ).

The test against Brescia will be free to enter.