Having closed the first round with a third place in the standings, Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza is preparing to face the first return match of the SuperLega Credem Banca championship: on Saturday 30 December (6.00 pm) at the Kioene Arena they will face Pallavolo Padova.

Challenge number 13 coming against Padova team. There are 12 precedents between the two teams in the Regular Season, Del Monte Italian Cup and 5th Place Play Off. The balance is 10 successes for Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza, while on two occasions it was the Paduan sextet who rejoiced: in the Regular Season 7 red and white successes and one Paduan, in the SuperLega Preliminaries two Piacenza successes in as many matches, red and white success also in the Plays Off 5th place while the only match played between the two teams in the Del Monte Italian Cup saw the success of Padova.

This season in the Regular Season the red and whites won 3-0 in the first leg.

The match with the highest score between the two teams dates back to the ninth first leg of the 2019-2020 season when Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza won at PalabancaSport at the tie break (25-21, 29-31, 28-26, 28- 30, 15-11) and the match recorded 245 points overall.

As for the “most contested” set, however, we are talking about the 2020-2021 season: first day of the SuperLega Preliminaries at PalabancaSport, the fourth set went to the red and whites 32-20 who at the end of the match prevailed 3-1. The easiest partial is dated 2022-2023 season, eleventh day of return, the first set ended 25-15 for Piacenza.