The Sir Susa Vim Perugia season has officially started today.
After yesterday evening’s convivial meeting, this morning six black and whites from the first team, to be precise Colaci, Ben Tara, Candellaro, Solè, Held and Toscani, responded present on the first day of school with a session in the weight room in the morning to start to remove some summer toxins and to start filling the tank for the new season. Yesterday evening, as mentioned, all together for dinner with the staff, today in the late afternoon also an individual technique work session at the PalaSir in Santa Maria degli Angeli and in general a first week which will serve above all to pick up the thread on a physical level.
Many new faces, both in the staff and in terms of players with all four new seasonal arrivals present together with two veterans and two columns of the Block Devils such as Massimo Colaci and Sebastian Solè.
“I come from a very pleasant and relaxing summer spent with family and friends in which I also enjoyed my new home in Bari,” says the Libero from Perugia Massimo Colaci, in his seventh season in the Sir Susa Vim shirt. “But returning to Perugia is always nice because, as I’ve said a thousand times, I feel good in Perugia, I’m fine, I like being part of this team, I still have a great desire inside of me and I always leave again with great enthusiasm. Today we begin a journey towards important goals that are the same as in past seasons. In recent years we have reached some of them, others not even important ones, but this is part of our life, our world and our work. After five years, I change department partner, with Picci (Piccinelli, ed) we had created an excellent relationship, in these days we will immediately begin mutual knowledge both with Alessandro (Toscani, ed) and with all the other newcomers, a situation that happens every year and, as far as I’m concerned, for many years now. Angelo (Lorenzetti, ed) on the other hand I already know him and starting today we will have a new way of putting ourselves together at the service of the team “.
“I spent a large part of my summer in Perugia”, explains the Argentine centre-back with an Italian passport Sebastian Solè, now in his fourth year in the city. “I spent some important time with my family, I often worked in the weight room and I can say that I have seen the PalaBarton grow a little day after day.