“Green line” for Kemas Lamipel 2023-24. After a graft of experience, Antonio Cargioli, with many A2 Credem Banca championships behind him, here is a rookie in this category, Pardo Mati, Tuscan from Grosseto, central (203 cm), born on 7 August 2006. Even younger, therefore, of the free red and white Luca Loreti (born in 2005). Mati made his debut last season in A3, playing with the Gamma Chimica Brugherio shirt. The legendary “Diavoli Rosa” conquered salvation, closing the regular season fourth from last, +2 on Mirandola, and beating the third from last in the expected play-outs. A season enhanced by the Scudetto won with the men’s Under 17 team at the national finals in Borgovalsugana (29 points for Mati in the final against Treviso).
The central defender from Maremma, in the A3 Credem Banca championship, turned out to be the youngest in the category: despite this, he played as a starter, with 111 points scored in total and 30 overall blocks. Coming from Invicta Volleyball Grosseto (where he made his debut in B at just 15 years old), he alternated the role of opposite to that of central. He was named “best opposite in Italy” at the Trophy of the Regions, but also best center back in Europe. With the Junior national team, however, he won the European Championship (2022) and this summer he will work with coach Zanin’s Under 19 team. Small sporting disappointment, the defeat suffered in the quarterfinals, at the national finals in Agropoli (also Under 19): Gamma Chimica gave way to Robur Costa Ravenna, who then played in the final. For the boy (11 points in the 3-2 win from the Romagna side) it was still a good experience, many difficult matches, at a very high level.
Mati is an “enfant prodige” who is working to become one of the “top” in his role, in Italy and beyond. Coach Michele Bulleri’s team will be able to take advantage of his centimetres, talent, natural ambition… and age (Under 19).
“My last season in A3 with the Diavoli Rosa was fantastic, an explosion of emotions from the first to the last day. It was my first step in professional volleyball and I think I took it with awareness and in the end it was a positive decision. Now I am very excited to take this next step in Santa Croce”.
2022-23 Chemical Range Brugherio, A3
2021-22 Invicta Volleyball Grosseto, B