With a targeted choice, OmiFer Palmi has acquired a rough diamond for next season: Cristian Iovieno.

The Umbrian opposite born in 2002 grew up in the Monini Perugia youth sector, where in a short time he managed to earn experience in Serie A2. In 2021/2022 he played in Serie B, before moving to Serie C, again at Monini, where he came close to promotion to the play off final.

On his arrival in Palmi, the young Umbrian player expressed himself as follows:
“Already last year I had been contacted by OmiFer Palmi – Iovieno declares – but for work reasons I preferred to stay and play close to home, here in Spoleto. This year, however, I decided to get involved, I don’t want to be satisfied – adds Iovieno – on the contrary, I want to take this opportunity that was given to me hoping to grow both as a player and as a person”.

“I hope to be able to give joy and emotions to the blue-gold fans of Palmi in the season to come, preparations are almost there now and I can’t wait to get started!”