It was an informal evening, characterized by friendliness, that of A-Roster with which Avimecc Volley Modica, yesterday, presented itself to the City, to the sponsors and to the press.

In the conference room of the Modica Boutique Hotel, the president Ezio Aprile, the General Director Luca Leocata and the coach Enzo Distefano illustrated the programs and objectives of the fifth consecutive season in Serie A3 of the Modica sextet that will have the honor and burden of representing not only the city of the County, but the whole of Sicily in a national level championship like the Third Series.

At the presentation meeting, in addition to the management staff who will follow Avimecc Volley Modica throughout the season, there were also the kids from the youth sector which has always been a flagship of the white and blue club.

The meeting was also attended by the Mayor of Modica, Maria Monisteri, the Honorable Ignazio Abbate, the Deputy Mayor Giorgio Belluardo and the President of the City Council, Maria Cristina Minardo.

“We are ready to face the fifth season of the A3 series – President Ezio Aprile explained at the beginning of his speech – and after the end of the last championship which still led us to salvation, this year we want to raise the bar to try to improve what was done previously. This year we want it to be the “rebirth” championship and for this reason we have set up a good roster which, we hope, will allow us to grow not only from a sporting point of view, but also at a corporate level. Our main objective is to raise the name of the city we represent and take some great satisfaction to give to those who support us and to our fans who from now on I invite to follow us in the “PalaRizza” races.

The General Director Luca Leocata was energetic and motivated in his speech and first of all thanked the sponsors who give “blood” to the projects of Avimecc Volley Modica.

“Thanking our sponsors and all those who support us in various forms – explained Luca Leocata – is the least we can do. What will begin in mid-October will be our fifth season in the A3 series. This year – he continues – after last year’s promotion of Catania, we will have the responsibility and pride of representing our island in a national level championship which, starting from this season, has broadened its boundaries, inserting teams like Fano, Macerata and San Giustino which have always been included in the Northern group. This does nothing but increase the level of a championship which has always been very competitive in the Blue group.