Working in silence and well in advance, Moyashi Garlasco has completed its squad for several weeks, being able to count on important shots to better face its third season in Serie A3 Credem Banca. We talked about it with the Sports Director Savino Di Noia.

Let’s start from the confirmation of the technical guide: the marriage with Vittorio Bertini continues.

“At the end of the season there were the usual balance sheet assessments, which ended very quickly. Vittorio Bertini had a completely new group to put together compared to the team he had worked with the previous year: he had to change his working methodology in the gym, having more experienced contacts than in the first season of A3. Together with his staff he has brought the team even higher than we expected: we are happy and proud to start again from him“.

Federico Moro will also be next to Vittorio Bertini for the next one, how was your first season on the other side of the bench?

“Federico Moro has finished his training course and will finally be able to go on the bench as second coach. Last season he was a precious resource: he eliminated the necessary acquaintance period with the first coach, since they have known each other for a lifetime. He has always felt like a player, he played again this year in Serie C in Desio and for this very reason his role as a link with the team has worked very well”.

What market have you built? What team will we see?

“We started very early, with the good things we did the year before. We struggled a bit in the initial intention of keeping a good part of the group and, in the end, Leonardo Puliti, Gabriele Calitri and Matteo Accorsi decided to remarry our project: partly by choice of the boys, partly for company evaluations “.

In the control room we will have Milan Peslac. What features does it have?

“He is a very atypical setter for his height of 1.98m, but very very technical. He did the youth team in Vero Volley and immediately showed a crazy enthusiasm. He wants to rock the world! Clearly, being able to guarantee important heights, it was impossible for us to focus on short central players and therefore the choice went to players over 2 meters tall, for easier management in the first half”.