The first home match is finally approaching, and Moyashi Garlasco is preparing to set up the PalaRavizza with enthusiasm and determination, to welcome all the fans who will come to support them for the first time this season. Belluno Volley, one of the best equipped teams in the group and aiming for promotion, is challenging the Garlacicos on the second day of the championship.

Vittorio Bertini: “The last game seemed like a step backwards, but we know the path we are taking”.
After last week’s defeat in Cagliari, coach Vittorio Bertini does not lose heart, having faith in the team and knowing that he is doing everything possible to grow together, aware that time is needed to do this:

“We are a bit ‘bruised’ by a first day of the championship that didn’t go exactly as we hoped. Regardless of the result, we struggled a lot to be concrete and incisive, especially in serving and attacking: certainly the environmental conditions were not the best and the stadium in Cagliari, as we know, hides many unknowns. On the other hand, our physical, athletic and also mental condition was optimal and, apart from the important absence of libero Calitri, who was replaced admirably by Accorsi, we had all the players at full capacity.

We were also a little lacking in the ability to read situations and “stay” in difficulties. These aspects are found above all when a group is solid and has developed its own dynamics, whether positive or negative. We are not fully integrated, we are still building our game and we know we need time.”

This week’s match was also complicated, against a Belluno Volley team that boasts some high-level attackers in its squad:

“The calendar is not kind because we immediately meet some of the contenders for promotion. It is certainly not the best time to meet them, also because some of these have changed very little and are certainly ahead of us. Belluno in particular has acquired two important attackers for the category (the opposite Bisi coming from the A2 of Brescia and above all the excellent Bucko, spiker of international caliber, protagonist of the Polish championship for many years) in addition to the addition of a thoroughbred hammer like Schiro. It was further strengthened in the center with the arrival of an old acquaintance of ours, Antonaci, who played several seasons in Garlasco and who had an excellent season last year in San Giustino; finally he retained two players (the setter Maccabruni and the center back Mozzato) who represent a cornerstone of the team.