One hundred and thirteen days after the last official game Gas Sales Bluenergy Volley Piacenza returns to the gym on Monday 28 August at 17.00 for the first training session ahead of the 2023-2024 season.

There will be few players available to coach Andrea Anastasi in this first part of preparation for the SuperLega CredemBanca championship which will begin on 22 October. Several players, in fact, are busy with their respective national teams.

For the first team, the spiker Francesco Recine, the centre-backs Edoardo Caneschi and Fabio Ricci, the libero Nicolò Hoffer and the setter Bruno Dias will begin preparation right away. From 4 September the opposite Fabrizio Gironi and the central Robertlandy Simon will join the group.

The technical staff that will assist coach Andrea Anastasi from the day of the meeting will be composed of the assistant coach Antonio Valentini, the assistant coach Matteo Bologna, the physiotherapist Riccardo Anfosso and the doctor Carlo Segalini. In this first phase, the athletic preparation will be taken care of by Francesco Rizzi pending the return of Davide Grigoletto engaged with the Swiss national team. Scoutman Gabriele Antola will join the group after his commitments with the Bulgarian women’s national team.

From 17.00 to 17.30 players and technical staff will be available to journalists for interviews.