The first official step of 2023-2024 season under the Leo Shoes Casarano brand is the reconfirmation of Coach Fabrizio Licchelli to whom the club in Via Carlo Magno has handed over the keys to the bench of the Rossozzurri’s first team for the fifth consecutive season.

A due and deserved reconfirmation for the Presiccese coach who needed a brief briefing with the top management to shake hands once again and continue the journey that has so far given great satisfaction to both parties.

The excellent work done last season made many sirens sound on the coach who still decided to marry the proposed project again.

These are the declarations of Mister Licchelli immediately after putting pen to paper with President Dongiovanni: “I am very satisfied to continue this collaboration with Casarano Volleyball. We are preparing to face the fifth consecutive season together: a journey that has seen a crescendo of results resulting from clear and targeted programming.

From the two years of Serie B conditioned by the pandemic, of which the first was suspended when we were at the top of the standings and the second culminated with the promotion to Serie A with a totally revolutionized team, to the two recent Serie A championships finished with a semi-final on the first and an incredible final in the last just finished; every day there was a continuous discussion between the staff to understand together the best path to face the season from a technical, medical and organizational point of view.

For these results, I think we should thank all the protagonists on and off the field, indispensable elements with whom I hope to still have the pleasure of collaborating.

A difficult season awaits us, perhaps the most difficult of all the previous ones, because it will be very difficult to improve or at least repeat the extraordinary result obtained recently; but we have already been working strenuously for days to rebuild a team that can continue to excite the increasingly numerous enthusiasts, without distracting us from what must be careful and prudent planning.