Jacopo Biffi, born in 2000 and 188 centimeters tall, is the new ErmGroup San Giustino setter for the 2023/24 competitive season in the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship. Originally from Paderno d’Adda, in the province of Lecco, he comes from Gamma Chimica Brugherio and was an opponent of the white-blue team in the season that has just ended. Raised in the Diavoli Rosa youth team (this is the name of the Brugherio club), he continued his career with two years in A3 until the summer of 2021, when he was sold to Pallavolo Saronno, with whom he won the Serie A championship B to then return to Brugherio as owner again in A3 and conquer salvation with Gamma Chimica at the end of the playoff with the Mirandola Stadium. A young man with prospects ahead of him, on whom ErmGroup relies heavily in a key role. “To tell the truth – commented a satisfied Biffi – I have been following the events of Volleyball San Giustino for years and at the same time I also wanted to gain experience away from home in a professional context. When they then let me know that San Giustino was among those interested in me, I didn’t have the slightest doubt about the choice: the management project was excellent, which is working to set up a competitive workforce and also excellent plants and logistics. A well-structured company to be able to aspire to any goal”. In addition to being a setter, does Biffi also have any particular characteristics when he’s on the pitch? “That of sometimes being effective when serving, a fundamental that I am paying close attention to and on which I am increasingly specializing”.