Games played: 11 (5 home, 6 away)
Wins: 10 (5 at home, 5 away)
Defeats: 1 (1 away)
3-0 wins: 4 (1 home, 3 away)
3-1 wins: 4 (3 home, 1 away)
3-2 wins: 2 (1 home, 1 away)
Defeated by 3-2: 0
Defeated by 3-1: 1 (1 away)
3-0 defeats: 0
Ranking points total: 28 (14 at home, 14 away)
Total minutes played: 1,145′ minutes (104′ average per game – i.e. 1h and 44′)
Sets won: 31
Sets lost: 11
Set quotient: 2.82
Points scored in matches: 990 (90 average per match)
Points conceded in matches: 874 (79.4 average per match)
Points ratio: 1.13
Blocks made: 101 (9.1 average per game)
Aces made: 65 (5.9 average per game)
Players always present: Jan Kozamernik, Gabriele Laurenzano, Daniele Lavia, Alessandro Michieletto, Marko Podrascanin, Riccardo Sbertoli and Kamil Rychlicki
Best scorer: Alessandro Michieletto (191 points)
Best blocker: Marko Podrascanin (27 block points)
Player to score the most times with serve: Alessandro Michieletto (21 aces)

Points scored in a match: Kamil Rychlicki, 24 points in Itas Trentino-Vero Volley Monza 3-2 on 19 November
Blocks made in a match: Alessandro Michieletto, 5 point blocks in Rana Verona-Itas Trentino 0-3 on 5 November
Aces scored in a match: Riccardo Sbertoli, 5 aces in Rana Verona-Itas Trentino 0-3 on 5 November

Alessandro Acquarone: 6 appearances, 0 points
Martin Berger: 1 appearances, 0 points
Oreste Cavuto: 5 appearances, 0 points
Wout D’Heer: 4 appearances, 0 points
Jan Kozamernik: 11 appearances, 83 points
Gabriele Laurenzano: 11 appearances, 0 points
Daniele Lavia: 11 appearances, 133 points
Giulio Magalini: 3 appearances, 3 points
Alessandro Michieletto: 11 appearances, 191 points
Gabriele Nelli: 4 appearances, 8 points
Domenico Pace: 4 appearances, 0 points
Marko Podrascanin: 11 appearances, 86 points
Kamil Rychlicki: 11 appearances, 180 points
Riccardo Sbertoli: 11 appearances, 31 points