Grottazzolina completes the middle blockers section by ensuring another profile directly from the top national championship. Born in 1998, 200 centimeters, originally from Abano Terme, Andrea Canella grew up sportingly in the Padua nursery attracting the spotlight in 2017 when he conquered the palm of best center back in the Under 19 national finals. Just seven months before the hug of high-level volleyball, dated 23 October 2016, with his official entry into the first team. Two years of apprenticeship following which he decides to face the A2 2018/19 championship with the Piacenza shirt (to date the only experience in the second national series) winning the double Championship-Coppa Italia in the category. The following year he returned to Padua to face the first of four consecutive seasons in the black and white jersey, the last of which closed with 86 points (7 aces and 24 blocks).

“Grottazzolina immediately presented itself as a very attractive prospect – said Canella -. Its history, its objectives and the trust that the company has shown in me have played a fundamental role in my choice. I arrive here full of enthusiasm and with a great desire to test myself in a competitive championship like the A2 series, it would be very nice to be able to hit some category trophies like in Piacenza so I will give my best to help the team and club achieve certain goals .”

From next autumn he will appear at the PalaGrotta with a curriculum made up of 151 appearances between Superlega (114) and Serie A2 (37): “The last experience in Padua has allowed me to grow a lot both as a player and as a person but I still have a great desire to learn and improve – added the central Veneto -. In recent years the level of the A2 series has risen significantly so I am sure it will be very fun and stimulating to take part once again.”