From the Po delta to the Costa Viola, almost from one end of Italy to the other, to wear the “Franco Tigano” shirt and still savor the beauty of home but, above all, to be part of an ambitious project. All elements that convinced the Vibonese Graziano Maccarone, born in ’96 for 200 cm in height, to accept the OmiFer Palmi challenge, offering his contribution as a new central player. Apart from a few other additions yet to be defined, the roster of one of the main teams on the Calabrian volleyball circuit is therefore taking shape, in view of the next Serie A3 championship, season 2023-24.

Grew up in the youth academy of Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia, a team from his city, with whom he lived the entire youth process, his first experiences in Serie A, the two-year period 2014-2016 in the cadetteria, concluded with the victory of the Italian Cup, and the subsequent Superlega season, from 2017, Maccarone decides to go outside the region to acquire a little more experience and train as a man and as a player. Thus, his career continued in Serie A2 with the jerseys of Potenza Picena, Livorno and Lagonegro (for two seasons), before moving to Lecce (A3), in the summer of 2021. Finally, in October 2022, the transfer in Rovigo, in the ranks of the Delta Group Porto Viro, again in A2 and, now, the choice to wear the OmiFer jacket.

“I had been probing the ground with regard to Palmi for some time – reveals Graziano – also because now it’s been a while since I played in Calabria and, for me, playing in the land where I was born and then, in any case, near home, has a different flavour, because you fight for something that you feel belongs to you, for a land that belongs to you, for people who share your same values, your same cultures. And then – he adds – I’ve always heard good things about this club, even the president: when we spoke, I immediately understood that he wanted to win and this is one of the main characteristics I was looking for in the team I should have chosen. Mainly, these are the reasons that led me to agree to play for Omifer Palmi”.