In view of the 2023-2024 season, a young man who grew up in the Dolomite youth leagues will be part of the A3 squad: Elia Fraccaro.

BAGGAGE – Turned eighteen on 19 May, Elia will wear the libero jersey: «I’m gratified by the fact that the work done in the past served as baggage to land in the first team. Moreover, with the club in my city: I’m happy and ready to commit myself to this new adventure». Until last spring, Fraccaro treaded D series parquet. Is the transition to A3 a surprise? Up to a certain point: «Already last year I had the opportunity to train and take part in an away game together with the big group. And someone, on that occasion, had told me of such an eventuality. But the official confirmation is an indescribable emotion».

NATURAL HABITAT – Together with Orto he will form a very young free couple: «I’ll give my best. The desire to get involved and improve is great. I know, I still have a lot to learn: I hope that my more experienced teammates can help me grow both from a volleyball point of view and as a person». The gym is his natural habitat: «Volleyball is more than a sport, it has always been with me. It is a sort of outlet valve thanks to which I disconnect from every thought and think only of training and playing ».

COMPETITIVE AND DETERMINED – Elia’s enthusiasm is pleasantly contagious: «I consider myself a sociable person. I don’t create walls with my mates: on the contrary, I try to form a group. In addition, I am quite competitive and determined, while off the field I like to joke and express my radiance ». Unfailing thanks: «To the managers and coaches who have helped me to mature. And in particular to my family for their support and for allowing me to enter the world of volleyball».