The first week of pre-season preparation of Gamma Chimica Brugherio has ended. In full force, coach Delmati’s team has begun its journey towards its debut in the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship, scheduled for 15 October, at 18:00, at the Palazzetto Paolo VI in the match against Bologna, alternating work with the ball the physical sessions which, under the guidance of the athletic trainer Andrea Delvecchio, were the focus of this first week of work.

It starts with tests and evaluations and then, in the weeks to come, to go into specific work focused on maximum strength and power. This is the path traced by the rosanero trainer Delvecchio who talks about the first days of work and the objectives to be achieved before the big start.

“First of all, I’m very happy to have restarted work in the gym, to have known the work group, among familiar faces and new arrivals, and motivated for this season – begins Delvecchio, who elaborates – I found the boys in a good condition on average physics. We are happy with the team’s approach to work, which has shown great interest and willingness in this first week with respect to the proposals made by all the staff. Being in the embryonic stage of the season, we have started a work of structural and athletic conditioning of the boys, starting from an initial assessment of the state of form of each of them. This type of work will certainly be carried out for at least the whole of the next week, to then gradually make room for work of maximum strength and power, for allow them to better face the long season and for the improvement of physical-athletic performance.Obviously the goal of the pre-season is to condition the athletes as much as possible to get ready for the start of the championship, next October 15th. Right from the start I saw a lot of enthusiasm and motivation from everyone, a fundamental aspect to continue the work in the best possible way”.

Gamma Chimica Brugherio on Monday 4 September, at 9:00, with technical training, will kick off the second week of work which will be structured as follows

Monday 4th September

9:00-11:00 technical training

15:45-17:45 strength training

Tuesday 5th September

9:00-11:00 technical training

15:45-17:45 strength training

Wednesday 6th September

9:00-11:00 technical training

14:30-16:30 technical training

Thursday 7 September

9:00 – 11:00 preparatory training jump in the pool

Free afternoon

Friday 8th September

9:00-11:00 strength training

15:00-17:00 technical training at the Palalido in Milan together with Allianz Milano (Superlega)

Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 free