Consoli Sferc McDonald’s takes to the court for the first joint training with a historic opponent in the category, Conad Reggio Emilia of Fabio Fanuli, confirmed as first coach on the bench.

In the fourth week of preparation, the biancazzurro group begins to test tactical schemes and mechanisms on the Emilian parquet, after having worked with increasing loads in the gym, in the swimming pool and on the sand of the Arena Beach. There are six test matches scheduled so far: two with Conad, one with Piacenza (SL), two at the Cabras Trophy in Sardinia (A3) and one with Porto Viro in the Sferc Trophy in Lumezzane, which precedes the championship opener at San Filippo against Castellana Grotte.

The start of training with Conad is scheduled for Wednesday 13th at 5.30pm on the Palaestra field in Sant’Ilario d’Enza (RE), with a date already set for the return visit to Capo di Ponte, where the toucans will spend a couple of days on 22 and 23 September, before the retreat in Sant’Antioco at the end of the month.

There is a lot of curiosity this year, because, around the cornerstones of Tiberti-Candeli-Franzoni-Abrahan, there are new additions in key roles and nothing helps to create fluidity and understanding like the sets played.

Klapwijk in the opposite role, Erati in the center with Malual and Mijatovic (who however already has experience with Tibe), Cominetti and Ferri at the back, are working with great commitment to prepare their muscles and acclimatise between Caionvico and PalaGeorge; from Monday 11th the ‘house’ of the toucans will finally be available and at San Filippo we will start to get serious about jumping.

Sarzi Sartori and Braghini have finished their commitment with the U20 national beach volleyball championship and in fact the one against Conad will be one of the first opportunities for coach Zambonardi to see all his potential deployed, which is completed with the young Ghirardi, Pellegri and Bettinzoli. “This is the most delicate phase of the pre-season – confirms the coach – because, after the physical preparation part which necessarily involves a lot of fatigue, the athletes begin to loosen their arm and prepare their body and mind for the race pace. Reggio Emilia already has a few sets in its legs, but we, as always, are looking at our half of the pitch. My collaborators and I are the most interested in these test matches, because they are excellent opportunities to gain guidance on the work to be done in the gym in the weeks that separate us from a new season”.

And for Atlantide Volleyball this will be the tenth in a row, a desired and hard-earned goal, but which, for managers and staff, ready to get some more great satisfaction this year, is just a starting point.