A new presentation for the ErmGroup San Giustino team which will participate in the next Serie A3 Credem Banca championship and this time outside the municipal borders. In fact, on the afternoon of Sunday 24 September, the biancazzurri were guests of the “Castello” shopping center in Città di Castello, a facility very popular with people from Tiferna and beyond. It was an important opportunity to meet the public in view of the start of the championship by the San Giusto club, which represents the “top” for volleyball in the district; in the same way, it was a way for the shopping center to be close to the area and also be present in the world of sport. With this double meaning, the gallery saw the presence of players, technical and managerial staff of the ErmGroup San Giustino, as well as the many fans who were able to meet the players live. Lucia Sannipoli, director of the Castello shopping center, did the honors, together with the operators of all the commercial activities of the structure who honored the players of the team with backpacks, branded sleeves and gift cards. “For us it was a great pleasure – commented Lucia Sannipoli – to host the ErmGroup San Giustino and with this event we wanted to demonstrate our closeness and give our small contribution in view of the start of the new sports season”. The pleasant parenthesis was conducted with great professionalism by Francesco Bircolotti, who called the president Elena Gragnoli and the managing director Claudio Bigi, who reiterated how Pallavolo San Giustino is working hard to put itself in a position to stand out even in times the desired leap in quality is rapid. Then there were the technician Marco Bartolini, the team manager Maurizio Tizzi; the person responsible for relations with institutions and president of the Alto Tevere Umbro Volley Club, Roberto Piomboni and the sports director Valdemaro Gustinelli, who recalled: “The day Dr. Sannipoli contacted me to organize this event I was particularly impressed and enthusiastic of this and this enthusiasm has been contagious within our society. We were satisfied to have presented our team inside the Castello shopping center, in a context that allows us to make our product known in a very important city for what concerns volleyball