First three days of preparation already archived for the ErmGroup Pallavolo San Giustino and with a double positive result: the physical conditions of the individuals and the new group that is already forming. From Wednesday 16 to Friday 18 August, the team worked in the morning in the GiPoint gym and in the afternoon in the Pampaloni sports center in Fighille di Citerna. In this phase, the work is in the hands of the athletic trainer Giovanni Collacchioni and the second coach Mirko Monaldi, with the first coach Marco Bartolini always present. “We underwent the aerobic tests – Collacchioni said – and it seems to me that the start was excellent: in the two kilometers of uphill at a brisk pace (not running) and with a 12% gradient, no one was left behind; this is undoubtedly a good sign, then Monaldi proceeded to work on resistance, but so far no unexpected events”. Word then to Monaldi as far as he is concerned: “The return to the gym was really interesting, because we found the boys in the right condition. This means – underlined Monaldi – that they have complied with the indications of the summer job that they had been assigned. We are physically there and this does not always happen. I’ve seen the players concentrated from day one to enjoy a season that will be intense: there are all the conditions to do well and the lads have understood this. Now we’ll see; for the moment, we have done this restoration with attention also in terms of loads, alternating the prevention work on the synthetic field with movements on the sand and with the parenthesis in the water. This week we will enter the gym: twice we will focus on the technical part, four times on the weights and three more times on the sand-water-synthetic work; we will begin to do the first anaerobic work and prepare to support the loads of the season, being careful not to generate overloads that lead to muscle tension and therefore cause a slowdown in preparation. In the first ten days, no jumps”. On the evening of Friday 18, the team had dinner at the Pampaloni sports center as a gesture of thanks to the owner, Roberto Pampaloni, who will continue to host them also in the second week. Monday 21 August we start again and in the evening the traditional family dinner is scheduled – with the managers and various staff of the company – within Elmec, the parent company of ErmGroup.