Volley Savigliano is pleased to announce that also in the 2023/24 football season Daniele Gallo will compose the libero team tandem available to coach Lorenzo Simeon, engaged in Serie A3 Credem Banca.

He will still be one of the points of reference in the locker room among the blue and whites, called to repeat themselves after the extraordinary 2022/23 season. 183 centimeters tall, born in 1993, has now become a technical and moral leader of the white and blue group. After all, for many years now his home has been that of Savigliano: net of the 2018/19 parenthesis in Serie C at Volley Got Talent, in fact, that of “Gallovic” with Monge-Gerbaudo is a love that even began in Serie C, with the interlude of Serie B, before moving to Serie A3.

And precisely in the third national series, in the last year Gallo established himself among the best free throwers in the category, finishing in seventh place in the special ranking dedicated to the best receivers.

“I’ve been with this club for many years and I’ve always had a good time. – explains the free number 6 – Here the group is always close-knit and united, which is fundamental for me. What do I expect from next season? Personally, I hope to repeat myself at the same level as last year, giving my contribution to the cause. Likewise, as a team we want to repeat what we did in 2022/23, trying to give continuity to the path undertaken since last summer”.

All of Volley Savigliano wishes Daniele to be able to take away many more satisfactions in white and blue, starting from the sports season that we can’t wait to start together. Come on Savian!