Coach Lorizio confirmed. This is how Rinascita Lagonegro starts again for the new championship that sees the club at the starting line of the A3 Credem Banca series. President Nicola Carlomagno had no doubts to whom to entrust the fate of his team, trusting a club that seeks redemption after a complicated year. “ I must say that I am enthusiastic about the proposal received from the Rinascita Lagonegro, especially after the bitterness of the results of last season. It will certainly be a long and difficult season, very challenging and motivating and I hope it is the same for the team, the staff and the club itself. I would like the new season to be faced as a real personal challenge, to demonstrate that the Lagonegro Rebirth is a club that must aspire to return to Serie A2. The difficulties will be multiple, the priority will be to rebuild a winning mentality, dedicated to work and sacrifice. I am sure that if we all work together in this spirit we will achieve the set goals.” These are the statements of Mr. Lorizio, a native of Putignano and experienced coach: in the 93/94 season he won the Serie B Cup and brought Castellana Grotte to Serie A. In the 2004/05 season before moving on to Teleunit Gioia del Colle, a team belonging at the top Serie, he coaches Molfetta (B1). The 2008/09 season sees the coach involved with the Massa club, with which he obtains the Italian Cup and promotion to the next category. The following season, late in the season, he took over from Coach Fenoglio at the helm of the S.E.C. Isernia. After the 2013-14 experience in Bulgaria, he coached in Motta di Livenza for two seasons 2014-2016 and won promotion to A2 but the club gave up the title. In 2016 he returned to Castellana, where he won promotion to A2 and the following year to A1. In the following seasons he always led the benches of Alessano, Reggio and finally Motta in A2 for four seasons. In 2020-21 he won promotion to A2 with the Venetians, who he coached until last December before reaching the Lagonegro Rebirth.