First weekend of rest for the Cisterna Volley athletes who are engaged in physical preparation in view of the resumption of the Superlega championship. After the medical examinations and the initial screening carried out together with the medical staff of the Pontine Club, Saitta and his companions dedicated themselves to the actual preparation, starting a path that will lead them to arrive in the best possible conditions for the first championship match.

«We did a lot of technical and aerobic work and then in the next few days, when we’ll be in the first week, we’ll do a job more related to volleyball – clarifies coach Guillermo Falasca – There’s a weekend off for the kids, some are more tired than others but this is normal in this period: everything is going very well and we are proceeding without major inconveniences with the awareness of returning to work with the batteries recharged by these 48 hours of freedom».

Over the next two weeks coach Falasca and his staff will slowly begin to individualize both the strength workload and specific programming based on the needs of the individual, with the common goal of the whole team to improve all the necessary physical parameters for a difficult season from the first day that will see Cisterna Volley on the pitch, in their absolute debut, against the reigning Italian champions from Trento at the Cisterna di Latina sports hall.

«The first week of preparation was planned to be intense and to test the level of form in which the athletes arrived, some of them have been stopped from competitive activity for many weeks, others have been called up for the national team and have a level of conditioning different physique – explains the physical trainer Gioele Rosellini – The initial screening carried out with the doctors, the physiotherapy team and the nutritionist allows us to have a series of starting data, to which we add all the work carried out during this week: series batteries of physical tests, strength sessions, aerobic conditioning sessions in the pool and the introductory technical workouts. We will continue for at least four weeks with intense work in the weight room assisted by aerobic sessions that will alternate between the pool and interval workouts in the gym. The idea is to start the Superlega season to the best of our physical possibilities with the time available, and then progress in a more linear way throughout the season». With all the information that has been collected so far, and with what will be collected in the coming weeks, the Cisterna Volley staff will continue to plan the work.