The construction of the Consar staff for the next A2 championship continues. The club from Ravenna is pleased to announce the arrival of Evan Falardeau, Canadian spiker, included in the group of 30 players of the national team, under the orders of coach Sammelvuo, who participate in the Volleyball Nations League.
Falardeau, born in Stratford, Ontario, on October 7, 1999, grew up in volleyball at the University of Toronto with the Varsity Blues, is the fourth Canadian in the history of men’s volleyball from Ravenna after Sharone Vernon Evans, Eric Loeppky and Brandon Koppers.
“I am particularly happy to come to play in Ravenna, because this experience that I am about to have in Italy will give me the opportunity to progress as a player – are the first words of the spiker – and to learn a lot on a general level in a league and in a country new to me. I haven’t had the chance to talk to them yet but I’ve always heard good things about Ravenna, the club and how volleyball is managed there. I’m excited and can’t wait to get started.”
In the Varsity Blues, Falardeau grew up at the volleyball school of coach John Barrett, a sacred monster of world volleyball, and in Ravenna he will find a coach like Marco Bonitta who is particularly skilled in identifying, nurturing and bringing young talents to high levels.
“I have always had a very close relationship with John – admits Evan -: he had a great influence in my growth and an important influence in supporting my decision to come and play in Ravenna. And I look forward to working with Bonitta. I received unanimous positive judgments about him from many quarters: with him I am sure I can improve my skills and my level of play. And this factor was also decisive in my choice to start my journey outside of college from Ravenna”.