First match of the return round, 14th day of the Serie A3 Credem Banca Championship, and last of 2023 that Gamma Chimica Brugherio will face on the Geetit Bologna pitch (Saturday 30 December at 4pm live on the Legavolley YouTube channel) with double mission: achieve the fourth consecutive success, after Cagliari-Sarroch-Garlasco, a decisive result to continue cultivating the mid-table area that Meschiari and his teammates currently occupy (8th place, 14 points), and repeat the success of the first leg, ‘exciting seasonal debut at the Paolo VI for the rosanero who had given the public a 3-2 victory.

Easy said, less done. Yes, because in front of us there is a Bologna that has ambitions that mirror those of Gamma Chimica. As regards the ranking, Geetit is there, -2 from coach Delmati’s boys (9th place, 12 points), in a still very intricate white group with six teams still fighting from twelfth to week position, enclosed in 6 points , a precarious situation that can be overturned at every turn, considering that the 14th matchday will pit not only Brugherio-Bologna but also Garlasco-Sarroch and then Motta and Mirandola against each other against Acqui Terme and Savigliano, all six entangled in this dispute.

And then there is the revenge factor for Bologna, avenging the 3-2 in the first leg, appealing to new energy that comes from the change on the bench, with coach Guarnieri taking over from coach Marzola a month ago, and from an infirmary situation that stabilized, with the entire squad back available and which produced the 3-1 victory against Garlasco before the knockout against league leaders Mantua.

Rich dish this 14th of the white group to which Iliyan Prespov introduces us, our silent but determined and concrete Bulgarian opposite, as well as a key player of the Gamma Chimica Brugherio

Iliyan, we come from the last good 3-0 victory against Garlasco, three points that moved the table. What game was it? Yes, another three important points for us, for the standings and for our progress in the championship. It was a victory that we wanted so much and that came after working very well in the gym in the seventh grade and in a match in which we always played with a lot of energy and enthusiasm and, also thanks to our fans, we achieved it.