Technique, tactical readings and the correct execution of every single fundamental are crucial aspects in sport. But sometimes they aren’t enough. Or rather, they must be accompanied by a good dose of courage, a healthy boldness. And a granite personality. Qualities that Belluno Volley can find in a boy with the “10” printed on his back. Someone who, like a true “diez”, has the imagination and unpredictability to change the course of events: like Gonzalo Martinez.

NOT TO BE OBTAINED – The comeback in the Sardinian away game – from 0-2 to 3-2 against Sarlux Sarroch – took off when the twenty-one year old with a past as a libero, and a present as a band, was regularly on the parquet: «We faced a competitive team , it is no coincidence that in the last four matches he has taken points from everyone – says the person directly involved -. Plus, it was a long trip: we left in the morning and played in the evening. Also for this reason, winning in Sarroch was not a given.”

SECOND ROW – In addition to receiving with a sumptuous 71 percent, the youngest of the Martinez brothers scored 5 points, the result of 4 attacks (2 break-points) and a block: «I don’t feel like I’ve made any breakthrough. Volleyball is a collective sport, not an individual one. I just tried to offer my contribution, especially from the second line. But it’s also true that I was waiting for this moment: I hope to have made the most of the opportunity that the coaches gave me.” The feeling is that the joke will guide the destiny of the rhinos until the finish line of the championship: «In the last three partials we limited the errors from 9 meters. And this made the difference: we managed to put the opponent’s reception in difficulty, making very few mistakes.”

POTENTIAL – Now, however, we turn the page: a new week of preparation in the gym begins. Because on Sunday 26 November (6pm), in the shadow of the Dolomites, the Pink Devils of Brugherio will arrive: «Gamma Chimica boasts a very young collective with great potential – concludes Gonzalo -. We have already seen that he can play high-level volleyball. Consequently, we must be careful because they could put us in trouble. But we will be at the Spes Arena and it is never easy for any opponent to play at our home ground. And with our audience.”