In just over fifteen days Avimecc Volley Modica will be back to work to prepare for the next A3 volleyball championship.

In fact, old and new will come together to regain confidence with the training sessions that will serve to put “fuel” on their legs for a season that promises to be very demanding and tiring. For this reason, the eight weeks that will separate the blue-and-whites from the start of the championship will be important in order not to be caught unprepared during the season, where it will be important to maintain optimal physical condition.

Coach Enzo Distefano and his staff will therefore have a decisive task especially when training resumes after a period of almost inactivity by the athletes who are enjoying their holidays before returning to work.

The athletic trainer of the “Galletti”, Emanuele Cappello, explains to us what awaits the Modica team, who will play a very important role especially at the beginning of the training, where he will have the task of “restarting” the engines of the blue-and-white athletes.

“The two months of preparation that we will face before the start of the A3 series championship – explains Emanuele Cappello – will be important to prepare for the season. To have a complete picture of all the athletes who will start working with our staff, as soon as the agreements were closed, I contacted each individual player to understand more or less in what physical conditions they will begin training. I have to say that none of them stayed still during the summer break and we decided with each of them on some training sessions to do to try to have as homogeneous a team as possible from the first day of work. It is clear that together with Dr. Giovanni Aprile we will carry out tests to understand everyone’s conditions and have a starting point to work from. With us there will also be a nutritionist who will follow the diet of each athlete. The first days of work – he continues – will serve to dispose of the summer “toxins”. We will alternate aerobic sessions with training in the pool and work on the sand in conditions of precarious balance and we will also focus on prevention, but there will be no shortage of strength work with training sessions in the tool room. During these weeks of work we have some friendlies planned which will allow us to understand the level of preparation and where we need to improve to be ready for the official start in mid-October.