Three more days and then the curtain will finally rise on the 2023-2024 version of Belluno Volleyball: in fact, the meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 22nd. The appointment is for 4.30 pm, at the Spes Arena. They will all be present, with the exception of the assistant coach Matteo De Cecco, engaged in the staff of the Slovenian national team and now close to facing the European Championships.

The desire, indeed, the priority of the company led by the president Sandro Da Rold is linked to a very specific aspect: to further strengthen the link with the public and, in general, with a city that has always remained close to rhinos. Even in the worst moments.

For this reason, the first training session will be open to fans and enthusiasts. Who will be able to get to know the new athletes (no less than nine) and greet the five confirmed ones (Maccabruni, Mozzato, Stufano, Guolla and Gonzalo Martinez), who have already given so many emotions to the environment in the recent past.

The ideal embrace between the public and the team, on the day of the meeting, is only the first step of a path that the top management of the company intend to carry on in tandem with the territory. In this regard, the season ticket campaign will soon be presented with some surprises and the firm will to introduce people of all ages to the magical world of volleyball.

Belluno Volleyball starts again. With its players, its staff. And its people.