In the suggestive setting of the Eastern Passeggiata of Ortona, a stone’s throw from the “Al Vecchio Teatro” restaurant, on Friday 6 October, the Sieco Service Impavida Ortona presented the 2023/2024 sports season to the city of Ortona.

After a triumphant season in Serie A3, Sieco Service Impavida Pallavolo Ortona is ready to return to Serie A2, after only one season of absence.

Although the absence of President Tommaso Lanci and Vice President Rocco Tenaglia was felt, their sons, Andrea Lanci and Giorgio Tenaglia, were able to worthily represent their voice. The city authorities were also present, with Leo Castiglione, mayor of Ortona, and Paolo Cieri, Councilor for sport and youth policies, who also plays the role of athletic trainer of the team.

The world of regional volleyball was well represented with the presence of Fabio Di Camillo and Mattia Di Gregorio, respectively President of FIPAV Abruzzo and President of the Abruzzo South-East Committee of FIPAV.

Mauro Vanni, the “star of the evening”, was able to entertain the many citizens and fans present with great kindness and professionalism, introducing the staff and collaborators of Sieco. It is therefore time for a small surprise with a tribute to journalists Sergio Zappalorto (TV6), Mariano D’Amico (RAI3) and Luciano Ippoliti (Il Messaggero), who have passionately followed and told the public about the team’s events for years.

It was then the turn of General Director Andrea Lanci, who in his speech underlined the importance of this return to Serie A2, recalling the team’s debut in this category ten years ago now and wishing the most sincere “in the mouth of wolf” to the players for what is in all respects a new adventure. Then came the words of Giorgio Tenaglia who strengthened the Impavida’s sense of belonging to the City of Ortona and the club’s determination to continue on this path, perhaps opening a new cycle and many satisfactions.

Coach Nunzio Lanci expressed great confidence in the team, underlining the importance of the young talents from Abruzzo who have been included in the roster. A roster that has remained solid on the winning foundations laid last year and to which highly talented and experienced players have been included.

Special thanks were addressed to the sponsors, fundamental pillars for the realization of this project: Errea, Pharmapiù Sport, Buonefra, Ecotec, Setra, Nervegna, Briopack, Nikita, Eurofil, Innova, Tenaglia Costruzioni, Riflessi, Gegel, Farmacia Grilli, Farmacia Aurora, Casa Del Bullone, AssiTutela Unipol Sai, Zelo Energia.

Tra questi, spiccano i MAIN SPONSOR: Sieco Service e Akea.

Il clou della serata, il climax si raggiunge con la presentazione del roster

1 – Tommaso Fabi (Centrale)

3 – Broccatelli Vittorio (Libero)

4 – Bertoli Matteo (Schiacciatore)

5 – Benedicenti Alberto (Libero)

6 – Del Vecchio Francesco (Schiacciatore)

7 – Marshall Leonel (Schiacciatore)

8 – Patriarca Stefano (Centrale)

10 – Cantagalli Diego (Opposto)

11 – Falcone Claudio (Opposto)

12 – Tognoni Gabriele (Centrale)

13 – Donatelli Pietro (Schiacciatore)

15 – Ferrato Leonardo (Palleggiatore)

16 – Di Giulio Matteo (Schiacciatore)

18 – Lanci Edoardo (Palleggiatore)