Always fishing among the young local talents to emphasize more and more the green line and the territoriality of the project, the Sports Director Luigi Anastasia has signed the young Federico Tommasi for the 2023-2024 sports season.

Coming from the “cantera” of Lecce Volley, the spiker originally from Calimera has an important physical structure (198 cm) and good technical skills that convinced Mister Licchelli and the rossoazzurro club to bet on him to reinforce the four-seater package .

These are Federico’s first words after joining the rossoazzurri colors: “I am proud to be part of such a prestigious project, where I believe that I will have the opportunity to grow as an athlete, within a young group but with a lot of desire to demonstrate. I thank the club and Mr. Licchelli for the opportunity given to me and I will undertake to give my contribution to achieve the set goals. See you soon.”