A second positive part of the match is not enough for Vigilar to take points away from the battleship Abba Pineto which takes advantage of the good start of the game, suffers the return of the opponent but in the end the check is by a whisker after a tight fourth set.

Vigilar paid the price of the debut by entering the field a bit tense in front of a Palas Allende full of people. The Fano then played an important second part of the match proving once again that they have all the credentials to do well in this championship.

The entry into the field of the young virtussino Roberti upset the ideas of Mr. Tomasello but in the end, Basso thought about solving the problems in the Pineto house with an attack on the winning center: “I’m a bit sorry – says Federico Roberti – we have to work in the gym to maintain game continuity. Unfortunately today we played a non-positive first part of the match, with Garlasco we need to make up for it ”.