News that has been expected for some time but, as we know, in sport nothing is taken for granted up to the signatures. Avimecc Volley Modica can announce Stefano Chillemi’s stay in the team, the captain has, in fact, confirmed his presence also on the 2022/2023 roster.

An implicit renewal in the relationship between the young person and the society that live in symbiosis and could hardly think of a divorce between the parties. D’Amico will be able to count on his trusted man, the figure called to act as the glue between the locker room and the management.

Chillemi recounted his emotion last season: “Becoming the captain for me was an honor as much as taking a great responsibility to heart. I gave everything I could for my teammates and for the club, I just hope it was appreciated and that it lived up to the commitment taken “.

On how important this experience was for next season: “I carry a wealth of experience that I think will lead me to improve as a captain and in managing the moments that will be created in the locker room. Now I’m getting ready to experience another season with a super technical staff who helped me last year too. ”

Finally, on the expectations of this season: “Already from the first market movements we can see that the club is building a great team. This does not mean that we will not have difficulties because all the others are building important rosters. We hope to give ourselves great satisfaction and also to give them to all those who come to Palarizza every Sunday ”.