The second week of athletic training has just ended, and the balance is more than positive. Thanks to the Pampaloni structure, the boys were able to do an excellent job both on the sand and in the water, preparatory activities for approaching the jump, without the risk of causing trauma. At the Palazzetto in via Anconetana the boys began to see some aspects, thus alternating physical training with those strictly technical, giving more importance in this phase to physical work. The activity in the field has not yet taken place, given the synthetic-analytical phase of the exercises carried out. Every morning at the G-Point gym, which kindly hosts the athletes, the blue-whites carry on an optimal work with the athletic trainer Giovanni Collacchioni, who is very satisfied with their progress. Thanks to Doctor Neri and Physiotherapist Lucia Pigliapoco, the new arrivals underwent a medical examination, a fundamental step also to understand any previous physical problems. The second coach Mirko Monaldi, a precious collaborator of the Coach, has prepared for each athlete a protocol of exercises to be carried out 2-3 times a week as prevention, before weights or before the technical session in the afternoon. Mister Bartolini is very happy, even with the ties that are beginning to be created: “The boys respond very well, I see a group of serious athletes, who are here to try to make sense of their path; they question themselves and want to grow . I found responsible professionals, very open to dialogue, showing that they have a lot of trust in us. We are getting to know each other; we spent convivial moments together beyond training, moments proposed by them that make it clear that there is the will and the pleasure to share hours together outside of work. It seems to me a group that is compacting and we are trying to get to know each other to understand how best to intervene with each other “.