Volley Marcianise announces that Dr. Raffaele D’Anna officially joins the club’s medical staff. An esteemed orthopedist who practices at the S. Anna and S. Sebastiano Hospital in Caserta, he gladly accepted the position offered to him. “The collaboration with Volley Marcianise – he explains – stems from my passion for the sport of which indirectly or directly I have always been interested. I gladly accepted the Volley Marcianise proposal because it is a reality in my territory and I felt compelled to put my profession at the service of this club that represents us around Italy. I also had the good luck to meet the president Sgueglia and the Sicilian honorary president who showed me the programs involving me in the big family. I have already met all the athletes and together with the physiotherapist Francesco Di Fuccia whom I already know, we will organize tests to understand the integrity of each individual volleyball player. An important season awaits us because I know that significant investments have been made and all together we will try to bring the Marcianise name as high as possible ”.