Cantagalli’s Conad gives way under the thunderous Calabrian public, losing 3-0 against the leaders Vibo Valentia. At the end of the first round, Reggio does not qualify for the Italian Cup, but is already thinking about the second round.

“This is the beauty of Serie A: we immediately think about the next match to restart. – commented the central Nicolò Volpe – For us it is important to start well to score points and start the second round at the maximum of our strength. We can’t wait to try to make up for it with Motta”.

Riccardo Mian, who went up for Cantagalli as opposite, tried to help the team by trying to turn the situation around: “Surely Vibo is a top quality team and it showed even in the final minutes. It was tough because they always manage to play a great game anyway, especially in the final stages. Surely this is a difficult building between the public and the lights, but we always lack that extra detail. They did better tonight.”