The former Falù player Ottaviano originally from Osimo finds Macerata again after a season and goes to reinforce the central group of the red and white team. Pizzichini experienced the team’s race as a protagonist up to the Play-Off final in the second part of the 2020/2021 season while this year the 26-year-old central wore the Falù Ottaviano shirt, also in Serie A3, the last step of a career. which took him around half of Italy: from his first experiences in the Marche to his debut in Serie A2 with Lagonegro; he then wore imported jerseys such as those of Catania and Tuscania, also as an opponent of Med Store Tunit with Corigliano-Rossano in the 2019/2020 season. Before joining the white and red the following year, he played in Palmi for half the championship and then the following months he closed the season with the Med Store Tunit shirt. Today he finds some companions and various news.

“I am very happy to be back in Macerata”, confirms central Matteo Pizzichini, “It is an opportunity that arrived a bit like a bolt from the blue; I had other offers but when I got the calls from DS Modica and coach Gulinelli I didn’t think twice and immediately accepted the offer. I know that I am joining a strong, ambitious team, a high quality roster has been built and I know the seriousness of Macerata volleyball. For me it is a homecoming, by now I feel like a Macerata in all respects, I find an environment in which I have been well, then let’s say that my girlfriend also had an impact on the choice since she lives in Macerata “. You will also meet some teammates, “Yes it will be a pleasure to play again with my former teammates, plus I will also find Zappoli. I have been to Palmi with him and besides being a great professional he is a friend, he has created a good relationship and I can’t wait to play with him. I have to thank the club for this occasion and greet the red and white fans, we will meet again soon at the Banca Macerata Forum ”.