When called upon, he always replied “present”. All time. For this reason, Da Rold Logistics Belluno has decided to focus on him again, in the role of second libero: on Tommaso Pierobon. Gonzalo Martinez’s deputy can’t wait to get back into the game on the stage of Serie A3 Credem Banca: “Last season proved to be formative from every point of view – he says -. I grew up on a personal level, as well as in volleyball ».

THE EMOTION OF PINETO – The first impact with the new reality, however, was not easy: “At first I struggled, then the situation improved. I was able to integrate into the group and get everyone to accept me. Even if I am the “poorest” – he smiles – I always push to the maximum to try to reach the standards of the others ». Pierobon thinks back with emotion on the trip to Pineto: «Martinez was injured and the coach gave me confidence. Moreover, I played a decent match, I was quite satisfied. Just as I remember with pleasure the last game, the one that allowed us to reach safety and avoid the playout “.

MATURITY – The Libero, born in 2000, is ready to further raise the bar: “I know I can do better. Now I know the environment, I have understood what it is like in a high-profile team and gained an experience that I did not have before. ” Pierobon paws, like all rhinos: “Last season we were a bit choppy. In the face of obstacles and difficulties, we were unable to react. But now, with an extra year in the luggage, we will have to take a step forward in terms of maturity. And improve the ranking ». Pierobon is ready. Indeed, he was born ready.