If Avimecc Volley Modica has the opportunity to work in total tranquility, many of the merits, in addition to the undisputed ones of coach Giancarlo D’Amico and all his staff, are to be attributed to the management “team” that with a Meticulous work done with great professionalism and above all with competence and passion manages to transmit enthusiasm even to athletes.

If it is true that behind a great man there is always a great woman, it is equally true that behind a great team there is always a great management.

And in this sense, the president Ezio Aprile is collaborated by a group of people who, each for his sector, try to give their best to ensure that the Avimecc Volley Modica “engine” always runs at full throttle.

The president of the Modica association, therefore, can boast of having qualified people at his side such as his deputy Antonio Amore and sleep peacefully having as General Manager and marketing manager a person who has always “lived” the world of volleyball, such as Luca Leocata and as Sporting Director a “volcanic” and motivated woman like Manuela Cassibba. If we add to these figures a competent Team Manager such as Giovanni Galazzo, a Covid Manager executive and head of start-up centers such as Concepts Brullo, an assistant to the technicians of the first team and youth teams such as Giovanni Ragusa and managers such as Eugenio Tona and Luca Modica they organize the A3 series match days and a profound connoisseur of volleyball like Professor Enzo Buscema, the management team is complete in every “department”.

If then equally important figures are included in support of the management such as Roberta Totaro of the travel agency “Terrabarocca” who from this year will take care of the transfers of the first team and will take care of the assistance and hospitality of the formations that will come to Modica to face the blue-white sextet, Federica Zaccaria and Delia Paolino who will take care of the box office, it is clear that the management team Avimecc Volley Modica becomes among the “strongest” of the entire Third Series.