Dario Carelli is the second opposite of the New Mater Volley Castellana Grotte for the 2022/2023 sports season and for the next national championship series A2 Credem Banca of men’s volleyball. Born in 1989, born in Puglia, 193 cm, he will compose the department of place two with the Brazilian Theo Lopes. The sporting director of New Mater Volley, Bruno De Mori, announced the arrival of Carelli in Castellana Grotte.

Last year in Marcianise in Serie A3 with 261 points in 18 games (14.1 on average per game), even before in Ortona for two years in Serie A2 with 282 points in 41 games, Carelli was “discovered” late by the greats stages of volleyball, but it has often proved particularly useful, especially in the Abruzzo experience. Born in Bitonto and trained in volleyball over many years in Serie B (three seasons in Sardinia, Cinquefrondi, Potenza, Isernia, Bari and Andria the main stages), Carelli is ready to return to Puglia: “I return to my region after three seasons and I do in the best team possible. In recent years, New Mater has always been the flag of Apulian volleyball and for me it is a great honor to be able to play at Castellana – commented the same Bitonto opposite – The last few years have been different from each other, but each one represented a step forward. from the point of view of experience. I know Pala Grotte only as an opponent or as a spectator: I am now delighted to be able to play with its wonderful audience and with such warm fans “.

“In Ortona I often found myself playing as a starter and I had the opportunity to experience the A2 series also as a protagonist – continued Carelli – In Castellana I am aware of my role, of what I have to do, of how hard I have to work to be training for my teammates. It is a beautiful and exciting challenge. After the holidays, I’m already at work to be ready. It will be an intense season, we must all be energized ”.

“In recent years Dario has proved to be a reliable player and always ready to make himself available to the team and his teammates – commented De Mori – Moreover, we are sure that as an Apulian he will want to make an extra gear available to our club, he will be one an extra stimulus to defend the colors and movement of our region “.