From Trento to Brugherio, catapulted into a new world, the Serie A. The young 2004 Luca Montermini will be the deputy Barotto covering the role of second opposite of the Brugherio Chemical Range for the 2022/23 season.

Coming from Lagaris Volley, Luca was immediately targeted by Brugherio’s talent scouts who found in him great potential ready to explode and an aptitude for work in perfect harmony with what is the Diavoli Rosa style. His young age and his inexperience are well compensated by enthusiasm and desire to arrive.

Brugherio thus completes the pieces in place two, announcing the arrival in society and in the Brugherio Chemical Range of the Trentino opposite Luca Montermini.

Luca’s first statements in rosanero: “As soon as I learned of the opportunity to train with the Devils I didn’t think twice, of course it is a well-known club throughout Italy both for its results but also for its organization and for the training course it offers to its athletes. Thus began my arrival in Brugherio, immediately followed by the call to the first team. The first reaction was of great amazement, then surely after the realization there was joy, desire to demonstrate my worth, enthusiasm, desire to work hard but also a bit of anxiety as this was my first experience in a championship. Serie A. I was given a great opportunity and I will aim to make the most of it. Luca as a player is a very passionate boy for this sport, who always works hard, knows what he aspires to, knows that he needs to improve more and more, that he values ​​the group a lot and I hope that all this can have a positive impact on the future season. I came to this club because I recognize their seriousness and skill in bringing out strong players, so my goal is to learn and grow as much as possible. I imagine A3 a difficult championship because we will face very strong teams and we will have to deal with a very high level of competition, but I am very confident that by working we can achieve important goals and take away some satisfaction “.