Tinet Prata confirms that it wants to pursue the development of young talents even once they have landed in A2. For this reason and for the good year spent in the yellow and blue, there were no hesitations in renewing confidence in Luca Porro. The young Ligurian faced his first season in Serie A with an excellent attitude, managing at his best, thanks also to the good work of the technical staff, the demanding “double assignment” as a student player. And after putting the Italian Cup and Serie A3 on the bulletin board he decided to stay in the ranks of Tinet, despite some of the most prestigious clubs having obviously set their sights on him.
The results on the pitch were evident: Porro was by far the best hitter in the league, scoring no less than 99 aces, just 3 winning beats from a champion like Wilfredo Leon. And so also this year in his turn to serve the speaker will be able to grind the r and Curva Berto intone the chorus that already puts pressure on the opponent’s reception.