“Disability is not a limit, but an asset”. An eloquent writing, which appears at the entrance. The Top Volleyball witness of culture and solidarity in Lamezia Terme on the day of presentation of the book “The workshop of dreams” by Giovanni Rosati. The event that the volleyball club organized with ASD Lucky Friends which was held on Thursday 22 September at the headquarters of the Calabrian association. Almost one hundred guests followed by volunteers who move every day along the path of inclusion, autonomy, aggregation through the sports disciplines in which children and young people of the city are involved. A national preview of the tour of the book published by another Pontine excellence, the publishing house of Latina Lab DGF.
The event was held in places and spaces of great cultural ferment, removed from organized crime, Rosati presented his book in front of a large audience, who followed with attention and emotional participation the topics dealt with by the author together with the other speakers present.
From the mayor of Lamezia Terme, Paolo Mascaro, to the president of Lucky Friends, Rosario Cortese and the editorial director of Lab DFG, Giovanni Di Giorgi.
In the stalls, at the headquarters in via Sebatiano Guzzi, also Colonel Sergio Molinari of the command of the Carabinieri Group of Lamezia Terme and Captain Giovanni Renzo, deputy commander of the Air Section of the Lametine Guardia di Finanza. Union of intentions between civil society, institutions, including the president of the city council Giancarlo Nicotera and other members of the administration, and law enforcement agencies to protect the community.
Rosati’s book also talks about them, the children of Lucky Friends with their dreams come true and others still to be realized.
“It is easier to break an atom than a prejudice”, a sentence by Albert Einstein is the leitmotif of the evening, in which the author illustrated his work of over 140 pages.