Croatian national team player Tino Hanzic is a new hitter from Kemas Lamipel S. Croce for the next men’s A2 championship at Credem Banca. The player, born in 2000, 198 centimeters tall, will be the foreigner available to coach Mastrangelo and completes a battery which already includes captain Colli and the new Maiocchi and Favaro. Hanzic made his debut in the Croatian top flight with HAOK Mladost Zagreb in the 2017-18 season, before moving almost immediately to the French Serie A in Nice. In 2019-20 the landing in Italy, first choice of Avimecc Modica (A3). With the Sicilians a good championship: 18 games played, 294 points, a good performance in all the fundamentals. In the following year the passage to Ottaviano, still in A3, then, in the past season, the first interesting experience in A2, in Cantù. At the end of the tournament, Hanzic turns out to be the best place four ever for perfect receptions per set, second only, in the general classification, to the free of Ortona Pasquale Fusco. A “little machine”, as they say, also capable of hitting often, as indicated by the 267 points placed on the ground, two less than a “sacred monster” like Botto and a dozen more than the “myth” Cisolla. These are the first statements of Tino, fresh from the gold medal won with Croatia at the 2022 Mediterranean Games:
“I have always heard of S. Croce as a very organized society, with very high objectives. The name of the new coach, who is very good and won the last championship with Reggio Emilia, also played a part in the choice. It wasn’t very difficult to say yes. He is a technician who likes to work and I feel I can improve in many aspects “.
“Last season was one of ups and downs. At the beginning we were in the top four of the tournament, we played a great first part. Then we lost the setter, we ran into Covid, and we ended up dropping. Unfortunately, we have not been able to recover from all of these things. That’s how it went “.
“My goals are always very high: to win every game, give one hundred percent and continually improve. There is nothing more”.
“When we played in S. Croce it was a good experience. The fans are very passionate about volleyball and there was a good audience. It was fantastic to play at Pala Parenti, however we won 3-2 thanks also to the great performance of Matheus Motzo who will be red and white like me next season. I want to greet all the fans, see you soon! “