CHAPTER ONE: February 16th

After a wave of infections from Covid-19, the calendar is overflowing with commitments. And of recoveries: like the one in mid-February, when the battleship Med Store Tunit Macerata arrives at the Spes Arena, built for the jump in category. The outcome of the match seems obvious. It seems, because Graziani and his associates have the strength to go upstream twice. And to triumph in the tie-break, thanks to a decisive ace from Graziani. It’s a business.

CHAPTER TWO: April 10th

The road becomes an uphill battle following a seven-game losing streak. And, in the last round of the regular season, points are needed against the very fast Tinet Prata of Pordenone to avoid being sucked into the playouts. Unless a “gift” arrives from Piedmont, where Savigliano, with no more short-term goals, is opposed to Turin. And the gift arrives: Turin, in the wake of overtaking compared to the DRL, is folded and the party can take off at the Spes Arena, despite the passive against Tinet. Yes, it’s the salvation party.

CHAPTER THREE: October 19th

Second Veneto derby in the first three championship matches: TMB Monselice arrives in Lambioi, opponents of old volleyball battles in Serie B. And Da Rold Logistics faces him with the primacy in the pocket and with full points. Primacy that will be cemented in an impeccable evening: in the sense that Colussi’s boys make almost no mistakes and, with Novello and Saibene unleashed (trentello touched in tandem), they close the match in three sets. And they remain alone, alone at the top of the rankings.

CHAPTER FOUR: December 8th

Another round, another derby. This time in Montecchio Maggiore, where a challenge within the challenge is staged, if it is true that the Martinez brothers face each other: on one side Ignacio, director of the Sol Lucernari; on the other Gonzalo, free of rhinos. But it will be only “Gonzo” who will rejoice, together with his companions. Because the DRL is cynical, concrete and precise in the key moments of the meeting. And in the final sets: thus a clear and comforting affirmation matures, in the space of three partials.

CHAPTER FIVE: December 22nd

Family Christmas party: everyone gets together within the “domestic” walls of the Spes Arena. None excluded: from A3 athletes to nursery kids. The atmosphere is magical, also because each component feels part of a stimulating and ambitious project, with an eye to the social sphere. To the fun. And to the pleasure of sharing a passion called volleyball.

Goodbye 2022. And thank you for these emotions.