The next day will bring Emma Villas Aubay Siena to Lombardy to challenge Allianz Milano: the match will be played on Sunday 16 October starting at 3.30 pm. The Milanese after an unexpected fall at home on their debut against Cisterna immediately redeemed themselves by winning the derby at the tiebreak at Monza: 18 points for Mergarejo, entered from the bench, and 15 apiece those by Patry and Yuki Ishikawa.

There are therefore 2 points in the standings of Milan, which is eighth in the standings, while Siena is eleventh in the standings with 0 points. However, in the first two days of the tournament, coach Paolo Montagnani’s team faced those who are the most accredited teams for winning the Scudetto: first Trento away and then Perugia within the friendly walls. Struggling in both challenges and taking away one set per match. And in both races the Sienese were unable to field the central Fabio Ricci.

In the meantime, the training of the Sienese team resumed today.

Against Sir Safety Perugia the Sienese won the second set 25-20, they managed to block the attack of the Umbrian team 12 times during the match (same statistic of the team of coach Andrea Anastasi) but they suffered the powerful serve of the Perugians, who scored as many as 10 aces, 5 of which from Leon alone.

“We played and fought throughout the match – was the final comment after the match against Perugia by Emma Villas Aubay Siena’s coach, Paolo Montagnani. – Our overall attack percentages are still not satisfactory and it is no coincidence that the set in which we attacked with good percentages we won. Obviously we need to improve from this point of view. We faced a team that put in an excellent performance at bat and that solved the challenge with formidable high-ball forwards like Leon and Plotnytskyi who raised Perugia’s attack rates by so much. We did well with Herrera, but then Herrera comes out and Rychlicki enters, to say how deep the Sir Safety Susa roster is ”.