Cutting of the cake, the hour is late, but the eyes of those present still shine brightly, with memories, emotions, dreams. The event with which Delta Volley Porto Viro celebrated the tenth anniversary of its foundation and presented next season’s teams was truly memorable: a “10” evening, as it promised to be, and perhaps the vote could be even higher. .

The celebrations, organized at the Luca Doni Sports Center in Porto Viro, today Delta Sporting Club, were joined by many guests and friends who wanted to pay homage to the Nerofucsia club on the occasion of this special occasion: the old glories, political and sporting institutions , sponsors, fans, the media. All together to toast to a path studded with successes, with the hope that the winning path will continue in the months and years to come.

The evening began with greetings from the President of Delta Volley Luigi Veronese, the Mayor of Porto Viro Valeria Mantovan and the Vice Mayor Thomas Giacon, the President of Fipav Veneto Roberto Maso, the Coni Delegate of Rovigo Lucio Taschin and the General Manager of Delta Group Agroalimentare Marco Lazzarini.

Between touching moments and laughter, the story of Delta Volley was then staged. The narration started from the origins, from that 12 July 2012 in which the founding deed of the company was signed (on stage with the Veronese President the former Vice President Natalino Tumiati), and then retraced all the most significant stages of the ascent nerofucsia – from the first triumphs in the regional championships to the arrival in Serie A – through the stories of those (players, coaches and managers of Delta, yesterday and today) who have lived on the field these ten years of volleyball at the highest levels.

After the pages of the past, the chapters still to be written with the presentation of the 2022/2023 teams. The youth sector formations were the first to parade, for the men the U19, U17 groups (both set up in collaboration with Adria Volley), U14 and U13 Young / S3 mixed, for the women the U18 / Second Division of the sister company Junior Volley. Grand finale naturally reserved for the new Serie A2 Delta Group: the players and the members of the technical-physical staff were announced one by one and welcomed by the roar of the fans, also present the Polish Krzysiek (who returned to Italy a few days ago) and coach Battocchio, arrived in Porto Viro directly from the retirement of the Under 20 National Team.