In the home debut in the Serie A2 Credem Banca championship (Sunday at 6pm at Pala Intred against Pordenone) on the Agnelli Tipiesse shirts there will be an important and significant novelty: the Bergamo – Brescia 2023 logo.

Sport is culture, being the capital of culture in the coming year is a source of great pride for all of us. A sense of belonging, enthusiastically accepting the proposal of the councilor Loredana Poli, which the rossoblù club wants to express also through its own uniforms. Volleyball is an indispensable promotional vehicle, bringing the name of the city and the symbol of a new goal reached by our land up in the Italian sports halls is as much an honor as a burden. But above all a further stimulus that will remain “printed”, as the only “emblem”, until the end of 2022. To be special on the court. Just like Bergamo is.

“Next year – explains the rossoblù president Angelo Agnelli – will mark a historic event for our city and for the territory. When the councilor Poli submitted the idea, we decided to take a further step forward by dedicating our shirt, for some time, to the splendid initiative. We have become, step by step, a solid reality on a national scale. Now we hope that our people, who have never stopped supporting us, may have found one more reason to guarantee us their warmth and the great passion for sport that has always distinguished us from Bergamo. Already from the game on Sunday. We need everyone and the hope is to bring more and more fans to the stands. “