First training day yesterday afternoon for Volley Avimecc Modica which, exactly one month from the start of the A3 series championship, begins to do general rehearsals to test the degree of growth of the roster, which has been largely renewed, aims to improve the good things done in the past seasons in the Third Series championship.

Yesterday the boys of coach Giancarlo D’Amico were guests at the “PalaValentia” of Tonno Callipo, an A2 team that aims without hiding at the return to Superlega from where it was relegated at the end of last season.

A joint training that was very profitable for the technical staff to understand where it is necessary to work more to improve performance and conditions in general of the whole group

“We knew of the difficulties of approaching these types of training with one of the most important formations of the A2 series – I declared at the end of training coach Giancarlo D’Amico – I had asked the boys to face the problems in the field and try to immediately identify the way to try to solve them. In the first part we did not succeed much, but I believe that the credit is mainly of Vibo Valentia who with their service left us little space to organize a reception line that had some difficulties. Then – he continues – in the rest of the training we were able to play with important situations well orchestrated by our setters and we found the right balance. So – concludes D’Amico – we have had some important indications that give us hope and that will give us important issues to face during the next joint training sessions that we have planned from now to the beginning of the season ”.

Meanwhile, the team will resume work already this afternoon at the “PalaRizza”, while on Saturday 10 September the second joint training session with the parigrado of FarmItalia Catania is also scheduled at the “PalaRizza”.