The libero of the Emma Villas Aubay Siena Federico Bonami talks about the next challenge that awaits the Tuscan team. The Sienese will be engaged on Sunday 16 October starting at 3.30 pm in Lombardy in the match against Allianz Milano. The Milanese have 2 points in the standings, which are the result of the away victory in the derby against Monza. Siena, after having challenged Trento away and Perugia at home (in both matches without the central Fabio Ricci) is still at 0 points.

“Against Milan – said Federico Bonami – we will play a very interesting match. We come from two defeats against two big names like Trento and Perugia from which, however, we have taken material on which we must work to grow and improve. They are a well-established team, with a diagonal of players who were already together last year, so it is an already solid group. We started working on Tuesday to get to the match against Milan in the best possible way. We must always set ourselves the goal of trying to win games. We will therefore have to try to work at our best in these days ”.